"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Almost all of us know John 3:16. We learned it in Sunday School when we were children. But until recently I hadn't stopped to fully examine closely what it says. Here's how I started to pull it apart and look at it one petal at a time like the petals on a beautiful rose:
What does it say God did? God gave
Why? Because He loved
What is the result? We gained eternal life
Okay, so what happens when we love like God loved...
What do we do? We give
Why? Because we love
What is the result? Life
What an awesome thought! If we love like God loves, then we give life! And when others give us love like God loves, we receive life from them. hmmm, that takes some pondering.
We all have people in our lives who say they love us. Do they really? Do they give us life? If we measure their love by this scripture, some may miss the mark. Then perhaps not all of that love is genuine love. Maybe what we are receiving is only control or selfishness or need. It is not the "God kind of" love that John 3:16 is talking about.
Think about who you love...your parents, your spouse, your children, your friends. Does your love for them produce life in them? Does it set them free? Does it strengthen them? Does it heal them? If it doesn’t, then take a second to look at John 3:16 and measure the love you give against the love that God gives. Reexamine your motives. Make sure your love for others is selfless, unconditional, eternal.
Then look at who loves you. Is the love you are receiving producing life in you? Or does it breed habits that lead to death? Does their love for you encourage your dreams and promote your destiny? Does their love for you direct your feet to the path God has laid out for you? If not, then perhaps their love for you is not the kind of love God wants for you. Maybe some changes need to be made to your love life.
If the love you give and receive is not creating life in you and others, then set yourself new goals in order to bring your love life into line with the kind of love God gives. What He wants for everyone is love that brings life!
Inspired by sermon of Bishop Eddie Long
Copyright Gloria Fisher 2010
Almost all of us know John 3:16. We learned it in Sunday School when we were children. But until recently I hadn't stopped to fully examine closely what it says. Here's how I started to pull it apart and look at it one petal at a time like the petals on a beautiful rose:
What does it say God did? God gave
Why? Because He loved
What is the result? We gained eternal life
Okay, so what happens when we love like God loved...
What do we do? We give
Why? Because we love
What is the result? Life
What an awesome thought! If we love like God loves, then we give life! And when others give us love like God loves, we receive life from them. hmmm, that takes some pondering.
We all have people in our lives who say they love us. Do they really? Do they give us life? If we measure their love by this scripture, some may miss the mark. Then perhaps not all of that love is genuine love. Maybe what we are receiving is only control or selfishness or need. It is not the "God kind of" love that John 3:16 is talking about.
Think about who you love...your parents, your spouse, your children, your friends. Does your love for them produce life in them? Does it set them free? Does it strengthen them? Does it heal them? If it doesn’t, then take a second to look at John 3:16 and measure the love you give against the love that God gives. Reexamine your motives. Make sure your love for others is selfless, unconditional, eternal.
Then look at who loves you. Is the love you are receiving producing life in you? Or does it breed habits that lead to death? Does their love for you encourage your dreams and promote your destiny? Does their love for you direct your feet to the path God has laid out for you? If not, then perhaps their love for you is not the kind of love God wants for you. Maybe some changes need to be made to your love life.
If the love you give and receive is not creating life in you and others, then set yourself new goals in order to bring your love life into line with the kind of love God gives. What He wants for everyone is love that brings life!
Inspired by sermon of Bishop Eddie Long
Copyright Gloria Fisher 2010