For years now I have described my lack of a church affiliation as my being a "refugee from the Episcopal Church." Fortunately I have since found a church that is a good fit for me. But in the years when I first discovered that the Episcopal Church was abandoning scripture and denying the divinity of Christ I fled with no idea where to go. So I tried out different denominations but nothing seemed to fit. My description of myself includes: being a liturgical, Spirit-filled, Bible believing, renewal music lover Anglo Catholic. A church that filled my needs was impossible to find in my location.
Eventually my husband and I moved to a larger city, and we had more choices. With more choices came more puzzlement over what was a deal breaker for each of us and what was worth compromising over. As a result I did what I frequently do, I made a list. Then we used that list when we visited various churches to grade them 1 to 10 according to our likes and dislikes. At the end of our search, the church with the highest grade earned serious consideration and an appointment with the pastor/priest. It was a helpful tool in keeping us focused rather than our relying on emotional responses to a one-time Sunday visit.
You might be in a similar situation and searching for a new church. For whatever reason, maybe you need a new perspective on church. Maybe you are no longer productive where you’ve been. Maybe your church has left what you held dear when you first started your membership there. Whatever the reason for your search my list might be helpful in your search for a new church home. Let me know your thoughts........
Criteria for Finding a Church: 1 - 10 Date: ________
Name of Church: _____________________________________
Preaching from the Bible/God’s Word _____
True Worship: Adoration/Lively/Renewal music/Mix of old & new _____
Communion/Lord’s Supper weekly/regularly _____
Opportunity to accept Jesus followed by Water Baptism _____
Dynamic/Holy Spirit-inspired preaching _____
Knows about Grace _____
Adult Education/Sunday School _____
Children’s Education/Sunday School/Programs _____
Place for our ministry/where we can use our gifts _____
Believes in Tithing/Giving _____
Believes Healing/other gifts of Holy Spirit are active today _____
Racially Integrated _____
Easy access for disabled _____
Friendly _____
Outreach/Feeds the Hungry/Clothes the Naked/
Visits the Prisoners/Widows/Orphans _____
Evangelism _____
Church that our children would like _____
Denominational affiliation _____
Sense of Fellowship _____
Distance from home/traffic _____
Business/Career Networking _____
©Gloria Fisher 1997. All rights reserved.
Mary, Mother of God, 2022
The solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, is the oldest Marian feast in the
Western calendar. The fact that it now coincides with the Octave Day of
3 years ago
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