“There remains yet the youngest, and behold he is tending the sheep.” 1 Samuel 16:11
It seems that most people hate Monday morning, and I used to be one of those people. Maybe on Sunday night dread begins to seep into your thoughts and before the night is over it has transformed your joy of Sunday into depressing gloom. Sometime about a decade ago I got tired of hating Mondays. So armed with the faith that it was possible to change my attitude, I made up my mind to start loving Monday mornings. In fact I found it quite easy. All I had to do was say it! I love Mondays! I love Mondays! And very soon I did.
Not only did I have to say it, I had to get a picture in my mind of something good that could happen on Monday and the following week. I would say my affirmation about Monday, and I would think about the possibilities that the week held. After a while I coined a phrase which all of my friends know I say, “The week is pregnant with possibilities!” And that is not merely wishful thinking, it is true.
Whenever the old dread tried to break free in my mind on Sunday night, I would take my thoughts captive and agree with my affirmations that every new day and every new week holds more promise and possibilities than I can possibly know about. Let’s think about David–the man who would be king. David was a young man living at home with his family. We know about his father, Jesse, and about his brothers, Abinadab and Shammah from 1 Samuel 16:8-9. Evidently, the sons had chores to do, similar to us, chores that kept the family prosperous and functioning. Perhaps it was a Monday although we don’t know that. But we do know that David was doing what he did on a regular basis. He was tending the sheep. A day like any other day. Doing what he did.
David had no idea that his week was about to change because God had plans for him. When he got up that day, it was just another day. Get dressed, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, comb your hair, head out the door. But somewhere in the midst of David’s day, it could have been a Monday, someone came to fetch him. “David! Your dad wants you up at the house!”
So David put down his rod and his staff, got someone else to watch the sheep for a minute, said he’d be right back. Little did he know that he was leaving the sheep a shepherd and coming back to them a king.
When David arrived at the house, there was a prophet there visiting. And his dad, Jesse, was there and his two brothers, so he could tell this was something unusual. Their day had also been interrupted. The prophet introduced himself and looked at David with wisdom in his eyes. It didn’t take him long to size David up and to hear from God. Yes, this boy was the one! He was to be anointed. As David stood there the prophet poured oil on him in front of his family and the Holy Spirit fell on David, and everyone in the room knew that something extraordinary was happening to David. The scripture doesn’t say it, but it would seem likely that there was joy and jubilation over the fact that David would be the new king of Israel.
God says, “...I know the plans I have for you...” (Jeremiah 29:11) Yes, God has plans for us. And we never know what day He’ll do something extraordinary for us to make those plans happen. When He does our lives change forever. Consequently, we should greet each day with high expectations! You could be sitting in an office or selling hamburgers in a café when someone will walk in whom God has sent to you. I know because it happened to me.
I was a legal secretary in a six-man law firm having an ordinary day when I looked up and an attractive man walked in the door that I didn’t know. He was there to see one of the attorneys. As I sat there looking at him from a distance God’s still small voice said, “That’s him.” Much like God telling Samuel when he saw David, “...anoint him, for this is he.” I didn’t know that day but I was looking at the man who would become my husband. And we’ve now been happily married for 32 years.
We never know when we get out of bed in the morning what God plans to do to bless us that day. But we should always arise rejoicing! Every day holds an untold amount of possibilities. Every week is pregnant with possibilities! Make up your mind not to look at your circumstances but to look at God’s resources and the possibilities each day holds because you belong to Him, and He has plans for you!
Copyright 2011 Gloria Fisher.
All rights reserved.
Mary, Mother of God, 2022
The solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, is the oldest Marian feast in the
Western calendar. The fact that it now coincides with the Octave Day of
3 years ago
And He apparently had plans for me, too. Thank you for listening that day.
The Husband